Author = M.R. Asef
First report of rare fungus Ramariopsis pulchella from Iran

Volume 25, Issue 1, September 2024, Pages 97-100

Mohammad Reza Asef

Macrotyphula fistulosa, a new record of genus Macrotyphula for Iran

Volume 23, Issue 2, December 2022, Pages 311-312

Mohammad Reza Asef; Ronald H. Petersen

First report of Pluteus cinereofuscus for mycobiota of Iran

Volume 19, Issue 2, December 2018, Pages 192-195

Elham Seidmohammadi; Saeed Abbasi; Mohammad Reza Asef

Identification of agaric fungi of Kheyroud Research Forest, Noshahr (Mazandaran province, N. Iran)

Volume 17, Issue 1, September 2016, Pages 19-27

Mohammad Reza Asef; Vahid Etemad

Staff members of the Herbarium Ministerii Iranici Agriculturae “IRAN”

Volume 16, Supplement, December 2015, Pages 36-52

Mohammad Reza Asef; Majid Eskandari

List of collectors of the Herbarium Ministerii Iranici Agriculturae “IRAN”

Volume 16, Supplement, December 2015, Pages 53-73

Mohammad Amini Rad; Majid Eskandari; Saeed Shirzadian; Kazem Dadkhahipour; Mohammad Reza Asef; Faezeh Aliabadi; Bita Asgari; Rasoul Zare

List of determiners of the Herbarium Ministerii Iranici Agriculturae “IRAN”

Volume 16, Supplement, December 2015, Pages 74-81

Mohammad Amini Rad; Saeed Shirzadian; Kazem Dadkhahipour; Mohammad Reza Asef; Faezeh Aliabadi; Bita Asgari; Rasoul Zare

List of new taxa and combinations, named by researchers of the Herbarium Ministerii Iranici Agriculturae “IRAN”

Volume 16, Supplement, December 2015, Pages 112-121

Mohammad Reza Asef; Mohammad Amini Rad

New records of agaric fungi from Hamedan province (Iran) (Families Bolbitiaceae, Inocybaceae, Psathyrellaceae and Tricholomataceae)

Volume 16, Issue 1, September 2015, Pages 101-108

Atieh Jadidiyan; Doustmorad Zafari; Mohammad Reza Asef

Phleogena faginea, first report from class Atractiellomycetes in Iran

Volume 16, Issue 1, September 2015, Pages 132-134

Mohammad Reza Asef

Addition to the knowledge of the genus Agaricus in Iran

Volume 15, Issue 2, December 2014, Pages 79-84

Mohammad Reza Asef

New records of agaric fungi from East Azarbaijan (Iran)

Volume 15, Issue 1, June 2014, Pages 43-49

Mohammad Reza Asef; Panah Muradov

Verpa conica, new to Iran

Volume 15, Issue 1, June 2014, Pages 77-78

Fatemeh Neshati Tanha; Doostmorad Zafari; Mohammad Reza Asef

First report of Strobilomyces strobilaceous from Iran

Volume 14, Issue 2, December 2013, Pages 248-249

Mohammad Reza Asef

Additions to the knowledge of the genus Geastrum in Iran

Volume 13, Issue 1, September 2012, Pages 21-30

M.R. Asef

Macrofungi of Arasbaran (4. Family Russulaceae)

Volume 12, Issue 1, September 2011, Pages 31-38

M.R. Asef

Helvella acetabulum, a new record from Iran

Volume 11, Issue 2, December 2010, Pages 199-200

M.R. Asef; A. Ozzar; A. Siami

New species of wood inhabiting discomycetes of Helotilaes for Iran

Volume 11, Issue 1, September 2010, Pages 29-34

M.R. Asef

Guepiniopsis alpina, first record of the genus Guepiniopsis for Iran

Volume 11, Issue 1, September 2010, Pages 111-111

M.R. Asef

Five new records of the genus Clitocybe from Iranian part of Caucasia

Volume 10, Issue 2, December 2009, Pages 203-211



Volume 3, Issue 1, December 2002, Pages 11-22