Allium pseudostrictum (Amaryllidaceae), a new record from Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Dr., Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung (IPK), Corrensstr. 3, D-06646 Stadt Seeland OT Gatersleben, Germany

2 Research Instructor, Department of Botany, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, P.O. Box 19395-1454, Tehran, Iran (


Among Allium plants newly collected in NW Iran, a voucher was identified as A. pseudostrictum. This is a new record for Iran. A morphological description and a key for determination are presented and the taxonomic relations and distribution in Iran are also discussed.

Article Title [Persian]

Allium pseudostrictum (Amaryllidaceae), a new record from Iran

Authors [Persian]

  • R.M. Fritsch 1
  • M. Amini Rad 2
Abstract [Persian]

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